Alagoas Stato
Area Stato 27,779.3 km2
Capitale Maceió
Capitale 996,736 abitanti (2013)
Popolazione di Stato 3.300.938 (2013)
Popolazione economicamente attiva 1.338.569 (2012)
Tasso di crescita del 1,06% popolazionale
Tasso di disoccupazione 9.90%
PIL (R $) R $ 28,540 miliardi
PIL pro capite (£) £ 9,079.00
Commercio e servizi (% del PIL) 68.70%
Industria (% del PIL) 25.19%
Agricoltura (% del PIL) 6,11%
Salario medio per gli scambi di servizi e R $ 678
Totale di 36 scuole tecniche
Totale di 30 università
Totale di 321 corsi di laurea
Totale dei laureati in settori connessi
al commercio e ai servizi per anno
N / a
La disponibilità di scuole internazionali N / A
Costo medio di energia elettrica di R $ 271,30 / MWh
Costo medio di affitto commerciale R $ 32,27 /

Alagoas è strategicamente situato tra due centri popolazionale ed economiche nella regione più rapida crescita in Brasile - il Nord-Est. Lo Stato ha il contesto imprenditoriale adattandosi per nuovi investimenti. Il programma di sviluppo integrato di Alagoas (PRODESIN) offre speciali incentivi all'interno di una cornice di squadra breve - 60 giorni.

Anche lo Stato ha centri di sviluppo con il tipo di struttura necessaria per l'installazione delle imprese. Inoltre, è opportuno considerare i suoi vantaggi competitivi in materia di infrastrutture energetiche, comunicazioni e logistica, con 2402 km di strade federali rating buono o eccellente. Inoltre, il suo capitale umano ha un gran numero di professionisti con formazione tecnica e dell'istruzione superiore in diversi settori.

Lo stato di Alagoas ha basato il suo sviluppo su cinque assi strutturali: Canal do Sertão, Catena di Chimica e plastica, metallo Meccanica e Marine / offshore,dell'energia e del turismo.

Integrated Development Cluster – AlagoasDairyBasin

The Alagoas Dairy Basin cluster occupies an area of 5,053.2 km² corresponding to the municipalities of Batalha, Belo Monte, Cacimbinhas, Dois Riachos, Estrela de Alagoas, Igaci, Jacaré dos Homens, Jaramataia, Major Isidoro, Minador do Negrão, Monteirópolis, Olho D'água das Flores, Olivença, Palmeira dos Índios, Pão de Açúcar, Santana do Ipanema and São José da Tapera.

The Cluster is notable due to the large number of producers and for the technology in some units which use mechanical milking, at the forefront of the production process.The basic characteristic of dairy activity in the region is the use of production technology, especially in the feeding of cattle and reproduction of the herd, which is predominantly of mixed origin, Dutch and Girolanda species, showing high productivity in relation to the regional and national averages. While the national average is three liters/cow/day, in the Cluster the average is eight liters/cow/day. Feeding is characterized by the use of concentrated feed and wild palm. The cluster is considered the largest center for production of milk in natura in the Northeast region, comprising approximately 2,500 rural producers, who generate 25,000 direct jobs. Daily production is of around 250 thousand liters/day for an estimated herd of 30,000 heads of cattle.In addition to production of milk in natura, the cluster also has milk processing industries, with pasteurization and bottle of the product and production of derivatives such as yogurt, fudge and cheese.

Production reaches all the capitals of the Northeast and some capital cities in the Southeast of Brazil.Business opportunities are present throughout the productive chain for manufacture or retail of machines, equipment and implements; retail of fuel and lubricants; production or retail of balanced feeds; silage; production or retail of agrochemicals and veterinary materials; feed production, installation of milk processing plants with production of pasteurized milk and other dairy products; slaughterhouses and butchers.Large areas are still available for dairy farming, sheep and goat farming, fish farming and beekeeping.Other opportunities in the Service sector include project and technical support offices; specialized farming consultancy firms; veterinary analysis laboratories; specialized courses in rural activities, agro-industries and agricultural commerce.

Tourism Cluster - Costa dos Corais

The Costa dos Corais Cluster includes 11 municipalities, where almost 1 million people live.Amongst natural attractions are the beaches known as Praia do Francês, Prainha and Barra de São Miguel, excellent for surfing and tourism involving leisure, sun and sea, nautical tourism and fishing, with a landscape rich in coral reefs, natural lagoons and vast coconut groves. It also offers the fluvial islands Costa Brava, Sonho Verde, Ilha da Coroa and Marceneiro.As historic and cultural attractions, the following are also worthy of mention: XVIIth Century mansions, the Imperial Palace, the Casa da Aposentadoria, Public Jail and Church of Our Lady of the Conception, dating from the XVIIIthe Century. Another important cultural attraction is the wealth of handicrafts including tools and ornaments made form seashells, embroidery and painting on cloth, straw and coconut sculpture, souvenirs made from wood, furniture in straw and coconut fronds, lace and crochet, bags and baskets in dried grass, carnival masks made from papier maché and wooden sculptures.



The State of Alagoas has a highway network of 12,991 km. It is connected to the south of Brazil by BR-101 which crosses the state in a North-South direction. In the East-West direction, there are highways such as BR-316 and 110, which provide access to the hinterland and neighboring states.


The rail network which serves Alagoas is controlled by two companies: the Northeastern Rail Company – CFN, exclusively for transport of cargo, and the Brazilian Urban Train Company – CBTU, geared towards passenger transport in Greater Maceió.The railways for cargo transport stretch across other states in the region and serve areas producing sugar, ethanol, cement, plaster, liquid petroleum derivatives, ceramic products, beverages, steel goods, maize, mineral coke, aluminum and salt. They provide access to the Port of Maceió and are interconnected with the main ports in the Region.


The State of Alagoas has three important airports. The most important is the Zumbi dos Palmares International Airport, in the municipality of Rio Largo, near Maceió. The other two are to be found inland, in the municipalities of Penedo and Arapiraca. The Zumbi dos Palmares International Airport has annual transit of 750 thousand passengers and 20 thousand airplanes. Its cargo transport reaches 2.8 thousand tons/year. There are frequent flights to the main Brazilian cities, in addition to charter flights to Argentina, Portugal and Italy.


The Port of Maceió deals mainly with cargo, especially ethanol, cement and sugar on the wharf, to the same extent as other ports in the region. The loading of caustic soda and sodium dichloride is performed in a private terminal belonging to the Braskem corporation. There is a strong presence of export goods – more than 70% of cargoes are destined abroad, due to the operational efficiency of the port’s terminals.

Fiscal Incentives

The Program for Integrated Development of the State of Alagoas – PRODESIN is administered by the Department of Trade, Industry and Services – SEICS, and seeks promotion of means and stimuli for expansion, development and modernization of industries in Alagoas, including the technological base and micro and small enterprises.

PRODESIN offers financial, fiscal, credit, geographical, techno-administrative, infrastructure and inland incentives.